1x1 squares = 1
2x2 squares = 4
3x3 squares = 9
4x4 squares = 16
5x5 squares = 25
6x6 squares = 36
7x7 squares = 49
8x8 squares = 64
for a total of 204 squares.
- wjs1632 -
There are 32 red squares on a 8x8 regular checker board.
24 squares are covered on a checker board.
There are 64 squares on a checker/chess board. Eight rows of eight squares.
Simply say,"64 squares".
Sixty-four(64) is the total number of squares on a checker board in the United States of America. But not all of them are in use. Specifically, only 32 are used for play.
8*8thatz 64
i have counted them and there is 62 red squars on a standard checker board