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Playing and learning how to play Chess may be hard. I have chess lesons once a week and I observe how other people play and just follow. At the first 4-5 weeks and more I was terrible, everyone beat me in less then 10 turns. And i have been learning for about 4 months. And I am much better then I started, without learing the strategies. So learing chess is hard.

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Where can I learn to play the game of chess?

A person can take Chess lessons from a number of sources. Perhaps a friend who plays well, or find a tutor. A person can find the rules of Chess and strategies in books or researching through their computer as well.

What movement do you do in chess?

Go to this website and learn how to play chess properly. <A HREF="http:/ Chess Strategies online</A>

What do russians learn to become good at chess?

They learn from others!

What are all the rules of chess?

You can learn all the rules to the game of chess by looking to the related link below .

In chess if you get your king to the other end without any pawns do you get apiece back?

Learn the chess rules at this website.

Where can one learn to play chess online?

You can learn and play chess online at so that you can easily enjoy there and also can take lessons.

What is the purpose of having a chess club?

To bring together people who like to play chess and to learn from one another.

How do you play chess titansi am a beginner help?

Do you mean you want to learn how to play chess? I'm not sure if chess titans, as in the software you're referring to, can actually help you learn how to play. You can visit if you need any help at all.

On the chess game on the website wwwflyordiecom how do you get a bigger rank?

Biger isn't a word so learn spelling and grammar not chess.

How can you become a better chess player?

To become a better chess player you must constantly play chess against people who are better than you. You must also learn from your mistakes.

How to become a fast learner?

achieve your focus, attention, concentrate,.. play a chess., read novel and IQtest test your self.. improve your understanding.. To put it even more simply, the more your know, the faster you learn.

What happens if you lose in the game of chess?

If you lose, you had the opportunity to observe what your opponent did in order to win, and you might learn something from that. Losing at chess can be very educational.