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The board is a regular 8x8 board with 3x8 rectangles hanging off each side. Each player has pieces as normal on the back 2 rows of these rectangles. Each player takes it in turns to move as normal, going anticlockwise around the board. You cannot move diagonally across the inward corners (imagine the piece moving slowly. A quarter of it goes across a non-square, so this move is illegal). All rules are as normal but for check and checkmate. You do not HAVE to move out of check or checkmate, nor do these win a player anything. Instead, the important part is if someone takes another players king. If this happens, that player loses all their pieces (they're all removed from the board). This continues until only one person's king is left. He is the winner.

If you only have white and black pieces available, play as 2 person teams with whites opposite whites and blacks opposite blacks. If any of the 4 kings on the board are taken, that team loses.

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This depends on your opponent. If he makes a big mistake you can win very quickly. And it depends how strong you play chess yourself of course. If you like to learn chess the proper way then go to the following website: You can play chess there with four different java applets, learn chess openings, chess strategies and chess tactics and watch chess videos. There is everything you need.

Is there a way to play online chess against a certain person?

No , Bobby Fischer passed away January 17, 2008 .

What is the funnest way to improve at chess?

If you think chess is fun then playing a game of chess would be a fun way to improve. If you do not find it fun then you should play more games of chess until you find it fun. If you do not find it fun it will be very difficult to improve.

How do you improve in chess but don't have time to practice?

One way you can improve chess but don't have time to is in a car. An ipod touch has many chess apps you can play. The regular ipods also have a chess game you can buy for your ipod.

How to overcome your demons?

The best way is to challenge your demons to a game of chess. Works if you can beat them. If you can't play chess, try proposing a game of checkers.

Why did the Egyptians play chess?

the same reason you play chess; for fun, entertainment

Does President Obama play chess?

Both he and his wife Michelle play chess .

Do you need a ball to play chess?

You dont need a ball to play chess.

How do you play chess in a computer for free?

You can play chess at the related link below .

What is the suitable contraction for let us play chess?

Let's play chess.

What was the first computer that could play chess called?

The first chess computer that could play chess was called Deep Blue.

Do the Jonas brother play chess?

I believed they have played chess before. But I don't know how often they play chess because of their bust schedules!!