

Why did the Egyptians play chess?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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15y ago

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the same reason you play Chess; for fun, entertainment

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Q: Why did the Egyptians play chess?
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Related questions

Did ancient Egyptians play chess?

No, chess had not been invented in the ancient period of history. It seems to have been developed in Persia and among the Arab peoples during the medieval period, spreading across Europe after the First Crusade.

What person started chess?

It is uncertain who started chess, but it is believed to be the ancient Egyptians; although chess using the modern rules first came about during the middle ages.

Do you need a ball to play chess?

You dont need a ball to play chess.

How do you play chess in a computer for free?

You can play chess at the related link below .

What is the suitable contraction for let us play chess?

Let's play chess.

Does President Obama play chess?

Both he and his wife Michelle play chess .

What was the first computer that could play chess called?

The first chess computer that could play chess was called Deep Blue.

Do the Jonas brother play chess?

I believed they have played chess before. But I don't know how often they play chess because of their bust schedules!!

Does Cole Sprouse play Chess?

yes he plays chess

Does Donald Trump play chess?

No. He sucks at chess

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Do rooks play chess?

Technically, no, since rooks aren't alive, unless you are talking about rookie players. However, you USE the rooks in ORDER to play chess. (I am referring to the chess pieces, not the Rookie players.)