1.play as black
2.attack knight with bishop
3.use knight and threaten rook (ne5)
4.threaten bishop (nc4)
5.take bishop
6.All that should be left is are the kings, the pawns, and the rooks. take the pawns with your king and rook before the computer's king and rook take yours. /kill the rook and checkmate black
(there is a strategy to taking all the pawns because the computer will most likely kill you before you kill him, it takes practice)
After you kill everything kill the castle then cross the bridge
kill everything defeat wind carver castle and cross bridge
do condors watch tower then the dragon priest the the spider.
cross the bridge again. kill the ruins, kill the dream gate, then kill the killer chessmaster, and finally attack the dragon's pinnacle and win.
i dont kow who's turn is it... black or white
You put Black King on h1 and white king on f3 and do not move any other pieces.
It is a riddle; the correct move is (the white rook) Rc6, blocking the white bishop's pin on the black rook.
LOL if u saved up ur money you can use your items that u bought{crown and king symbol} and you can beat him easily
The answer is chess.
their is no such level.
One of the hints is "what was blacks last move?" Clearly, it was pawn to b5! Using en passent, you move your pawn on a5 to b4. this is checkmate 'cause it puts the king in check with your rook.
Be very good at chess or reduce the CPU's level to the lowest it can be. Winning should be easy if you lower their difficulty level.
Pouetpu-games.com level portal
you need stardust dragon majestic dragon and any level 1 non tuner monster such as stardust xiolong