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You put Black King on h1 and white king on f3 and do not move any other pieces.

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Q: How do you beat tower of many betrayals in majestic chess level 8?
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How do you beat majestic chess level 7 Lord Condor's Watch Tower?

I don't know but the hints I know are thatthere are 3 knights in a quadrant12 knights totalIn a L shape in each quadrantEach set of knights has help from neighboring quadrantand there is rotational symmetrypawns go on:b3, c3, c4e3, f1, f2c6, c7, d6f6, g6, d6

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The one that looks like a tower in a castle. == ==

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The "rook". A rook is the name of a Eurasian bird of the crow family. A rook is also the chess piece that resembles a tower of a castle.

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