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One can't really answer this question. There are several good moves when your opponent first move is e2-e4, e.g. e7-e5 or e7-r6 or c7-c5. None of them will bring you victory by themselves you still have to play better than your opponent.

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14y ago

There is more than one way to defeat a player in only 4 moves. The so called "4 move checkmate", also known as "Fools mate" or "Scholars mate", involves a quick mate on f7, using the moves e4 (or E3), Bc4, Qf3 (or h5) and then Qxf7# (or in some cases even Bxf7 is mate). An example is

e4 e5

Bc4 Nc6

Qh5 b6??


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Q: How do you beat a person in chess in 4 moves?
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In a game of chess how many different choices do you have on the first move?

There are 20 possible first moves for each player. Some are certainly better than others. There are eight pawns, and on its first move a pawn can be moved either one or two spaces forward. That's 16 possible moves. In addition, each of the knights has two possible moves, and that accounts for the other 4 moves.