You put Black King on h1 and white king on f3 and do not move any other pieces.
It is a riddle; the correct move is (the white rook) Rc6, blocking the white bishop's pin on the black rook.
LOL if u saved up ur money you can use your items that u bought{crown and king symbol} and you can beat him easily
simple, say i beat you
You capture the King piece.
One of the hints is "what was blacks last move?" Clearly, it was pawn to b5! Using en passent, you move your pawn on a5 to b4. this is checkmate 'cause it puts the king in check with your rook.
Not even the best chess players of all time were able to "beat everybody." If you want to improve your game, read up on the chess openings. Your local library should have a few such books.
"Deep Blue"
It's regular chess on a hard level, so just look up some chess tips.
if ur at all smart u can