

How do i put my picture on my avatar on 8 ball pool?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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9y ago

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Q: How do i put my picture on my avatar on 8 ball pool?
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copy the picture and save it in your pictures or document or whatever you save pictures in, and then you can download from your computer to photobucket from there.

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put a picture up of it and ask how old it is or look at the badge where it was made ....

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How can you change a picture on your profile?

It's very simple. Here are the steps below: 1. Look to the left and where you see your avatar put your mouse on the picture 2. You'll see something that says "Change Picture" 3. Click on it 4. Then just upload any picture from your computer or take a picture from your webcam 5. Now you have your profile picture!

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so when you are hitting the cue ball your sticks dont slip and you dont mess up.

What is the definition of pool?

"Pool" without the article is a game played on a table with pockets in the corners. The player strikes a white ball with a long stick or cue, and the white ball strikes another ball or balls with the aim of causing the right ball or balls to go into one of the pockets."A pool", with the article, is a small body of standing water, natural or artificial. A pool artificially created to swim in is a swimming pool. The verb "to pool" means to pour together, as in the phrase "to pool your resources." When a group of people put their resources together the result is called a pool. For example if a group of people put their automotive resources together so that a different person every day drives the whole group, it is called a "car pool". Gambling games in which everyone adds to a pot which is then won by one of the contributors are also often called pools.

How do you put avatar rewards on your avatar?

They are under the customize avatar option. Press A on your Avatar in the dashboard, go to customize avatar, then go to awards. They are only available to the gamer-tag that unlocked them.