so when you are hitting the cue ball your sticks dont slip and you dont mess up.
a pool stick, pool balls with numers on them, chalker to chalk the top
Pool chalk serves multiple purposes. The chalk allows the tip to become softer, so there is less chance of breaking the tip, and the most important thing chalk does is put English on your cue ball. If your not very good at pool and you go to the YMCA to play, you really don't need chalk, but to be good you need chalk to be able to put English on your ball to make easier shots.
lol they put it in a box as long as the pool stick is and they deliver it to your front door
cue chalk
Some compound words with "chalk" are chalkboard, chalk dust, chalk line, chalk stick.
A chalk stick is used for writing on a blackboard.
A typical stick of chalk weighs about 3.5 grams, and calcium carbonate makes up approximately 40-60% of chalk's composition. Therefore, there would be around 1.4 - 2.1 grams of calcium in a stick of chalk.
A collective noun for chalk is a box of chalk.
The pool STICK,billiard pool stick or pool cue stick all refer to the stick that is used to play pool with
Leather is used for the cue tip, and pool chalk is used to provide more friction against the cue ball. Pool chalk is an abrasive using materials found in sandpaper. It is not a form of chalk.
It is called chalking the cue. The pool chalk is an abrasive, not chalk, and provides more frictin between the cue ball and the cue tip.
A chalk stick makes a sound when it breaks or when it is used to write on a surface like a chalkboard. The sound is created by the friction between the chalk and the surface or by the chalk snapping or tapping against something.