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After running 526 straight balls during a straight pool exhibition in 1954, Willie didn't miss the 527th ball. He simply stopped playing.

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Whiff is to miss the ball entirely on a stroke. : (

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By throwing the ball in the general direction of the batter with an intent to make him/her miss and "wiff" at the pitch.

If you swing and ball hits you is the ball live or dead?

If you swing and miss and the ball hits you, it is a strike and a live ball. If you swing and the bat makes contact with the ball and the ball hits you while you're in the batter's box, it is a foul ball and a dead ball.

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In tennis if you swing and miss at a ball but it lands out do the opponents get the point?

Yes, in tennis if you swing and miss at a ball but it lands out, your opponent gets the point. The point is awarded based on where the ball lands, not on whether you made contact with it or not.

If you doubles partner calls the ball out and you call it good and continue play and hit a good ball and the opponents miss it because they are confused who wins the point?

The team that doesn't miss the ball wins. Also if the umpire has the nerve to call a let(a do-over), that can also happen.

How does a father introduce his daughter at a debutante ball?

If it's a Southern Ball your daughter is a 'Miss' and not free-lib 'Ms.' At a Debutant Ball you would take your daughter by the arm and have her by your side and introduce her as 'This is my daughter Jennifer.' (if it's a Southern Ball then it's 'Miss Jennifer'.) If the people don't know YOUR last name then you would introduce yourself first and then your daughter.