There is no forced win. However positions are possible:
Opponents king: a8
Your king: a6
Your knights: b6,c6
32. (Eight pawns, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, a queen and a king on both sides.)
Four. Two for each player
King Arthur was betrayed by some of the members of Knights of the Round Table. The two knights are Lancelot and Morded.
10 - any of the eight pawns and either of the two knights.
Chess was invented as a pass-time by Indian priests. It dates back to about 500 A.D. Chess was actually made to represent a battle. Rooks have the appearance of a tower, pawns look like soldiers, bishops look like the priests, knights look like horses and the king and queen look like royalty. And two opposing sides are fighting each other, trying to capture the king.
At the beginning of a chess game there will be two players playing with a total of sixteen chessmen each per opponent . There will be an overall total of thirty-two chess pieces . There will be two kings , two queens , four rooks , four bishops , four knights and sixteen pawns .
Chess is a two-player board game played on a chessboard, a square-checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove or defend it from attack on the next move.
To play the game of chess a chess board and the chessmen along with a clock-timer to regulate game-play . You made need a notebook to mark the respective moves and a book regarding the rules of chess .
There are 6 parts to a chess board: A) Top B) Bottom C) Four sides Hope this clarified this somewhat for you. Playing on the bottom of a chess board is possible in some cases but playing on any of the four sides is not possible, mate.
The only pieces that can make the first move in a chess game are the pawns and knights. Therefore, each side has 12 moves available. These are one possible for each of the eight pawns, and two each for both knights.
Seeing as to how each side starts with two knights (horses) there are four knights at the start of the game. If a pawn is promoted to a knight there can be more than four knights on the board, but this doesn't usually happen.
Total 32 pieces: 16 blacks , 16 whites. The 16 chess pieces are made up of 1 King, 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, and 8 pawns. Every game of chess starts off with 32 peices (16 per person). 2 kings, 2 queens, 2, bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks, and 8 pawns.