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The IBM computer that Kasparov played against twice is called Deep Blue.

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Q: Gary kasparov played imb computer at chess what was the computers name?
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Who beat Gary Kasparov in computer chess?

"Deep Blue"

Chess master Gary Kasparov lost a game to what computer on this day in 1996?

Chess Master Gary Kasparov lost the first game of a six-game match to IBM's chess computer, "Deep Blue" in 1996.

Who is the chess-playing computer world reigning champion?

garry kasparov

Who was the first human to beat the best computer in chess?

"Deep Blue" defeated chess grand master Garry Kasparov in the May of 1997.

When did Garry Kasparov defeated super computer in chess?

In February 1996 , IBM's chess computer Deep Blue defeated Kasparov in one game using normal time controls, in Deep Blue - Kasparov, 1996, Game 1 . However , Kasparov was still able to gain three wins and two draws and win the match .

The first computer to defeat a Grandmaster in Chess?

Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov .

What computer generated program defeated Kasparov in a chess game?

From what I remember it had the world "blue" in it.

What did the computer deep blue specialize in?

Deep blue specialized in being the first computer to defeat a chess champion at chess when it defeated grand master Gary Kasparov.

If Barack Obama played a supercomputer in a game of chess who would win?

The super-computer Deep Blue would persevere after all it defeated Kasparov even though Deep Blue had been bested by Kasparov on previous occasions .

What was the first computer to defeat a world champion chess player?

'Deep Blue' defeated chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov in May of 1997 .

What chess tournament did Garry Kasparov play in?


What is Kasparov doing?

playing chess