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No. Your pawn is promoted as soon as the move finishes but you do not get an extra turn.

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Q: Do you get an additional turn if your pawn reaches the other side of the board?
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When a pawn reaches the end of the board does the exchanged piece start in its original place or where the pawn is?

The replacement piece , or the newly promoted chessman , is placed upon the square where the pawn reached the end of the board . ~ Look to the related link below for additional information regarding promotion .

Where a pawn reaches the other side of the chess board where is it meant to stay?

The pawn , which can be promoted to any other chess piece besides the King , when promoted will still occupy the same square .

What happens when the king gets to the end of the chess board?

Nothing happens, when the king reaches the other end of the board he reaches the other end of the board, that's it.

What is it called when a pawn reaches the other side of the chess board?

When a pawn reaches the other side of the board it can be exchanged for any other piece except a king. The choice is not limited to pieces that have been captured. This means that a person can get another queen for every pawn that reaches the other side and have several queens at the same time.

Where does the player go that reaches the other side of the chess board?

Reaching the end of the chess-board is only significant to the pawn who then can be promoted to any chess piece other than the King .

Can you reclaim another queen with a pawn in chess if you queeen is still in place.?

If one of your pawns reaches the other end of the board you may trade that pawn for any chess piece you have lost.

When Pawn at the end where does new queen start?

When a pawn reaches the other side of the board, you may choose to promote it to any piece, other than a king or a pawn. When a pawn is promoted, the new piece is located at the square it was moved to. (e.g. if you move to e7e8 then the new piece will be located at e8)

What type of transfomation is used when moving a Knight in a game of chess?

There is only one kind of transformation in chess; when a pawn reaches the other side of the board, it can turn into any piece (excluding king and pawn).

Can you win a piece back in chess?

you get one of your pawns to the other side of the board. then, you can take what ever piece you lost in the beginning. (besides a nother pawn)

What is the move called when a pawn reaches the other side of the chess board?

This is called pawn promotion. When the pawn reaches the other side, it can promote to any other piece except pawn or king. Many players opt to promote their pawn to a queen, as it is the most powerful piece on the board (after the king, of course). However, this isn't always the best strategy; sometimes, a chess game can be won much faster and easier if the pawn promotes to a, say, knight. It's wise to consider what you're going to do with that promoted piece before you decide what to promote it to.

Chess if a pawn gets to the end of the chess board get you get a new queen if you already have one?

Once a pawn reaches the last rank the pawn can be promoted to any piece except the king . Yes , if you already have a queen the pawn can be promoted to another queen .

When a queen is brought back on to the board where does it go?

When a pawn is promoted to Queen , or any other piece besides the King , the square upon which the pawn was promoted is where the Queen will be placed .