No. Rules published by BCA are very specific. The cue ball must be struck with the leather tip of the cue.
No, you can't use either side.
Leather is used for the cue tip, and pool chalk is used to provide more friction against the cue ball. Pool chalk is an abrasive using materials found in sandpaper. It is not a form of chalk.
i thought it had something to do with the blood crib line before, end of a pool cue is blue... Edit By Blackjakal: I actually made an account for this. Drake used the word "felt" as a double meaning. The end of a pool cue is made from a felt material. So he "felt" that line, like the end of a pool cue. Get it? :)
A pad, known as a cue tip, is glued to the narrow end (tip) of the cue. A small block of cue chalk is rubbed on the pad to prevent the cue tip sliding off the billiard/snooker/pool balls.
Most cues are made to be adjustable. The weight bolts are changed, added, or removed as needed from the butt end of the cue. Remove the rubber bumper from the butt end of the cue. If there is a weight well, then your cue is adjustable. If there is no weight well, then I would recommend you have a cue maker or cue repairman determine if your cue can be made adjustable.
A cue case is used for a pool cue. It is also used as a bag of sorts, because some come with a handle. It basically keeps the pool cue in good condition.
The cue stick is used to strike the balls. The cue ball used by the players to hit the other balls is the white ball. It is the one they hit with the cue stick.
playing cue mezz cue, ferrule at 12.5mm break cue - mezz ice breaker
Depending on age of stick it is either a JP Mannock or J.Pechauer cue.
A stick is the same as a cue. Cue is the term most used.