Pawn's can't capture forward, only diagonal. Yes, a pawn that reaches the eighth rank will be promoted if it reached it by capturing another piece.
Queen Boudica was facing capture by the Romans so instead of them killing her she was said to have drank poison and killed herself.
Allegedly, when defeat was inevitable, she took poison to avoid capture and torture by the Romans.
yes. For example, if the square that the pawn reaches (and becomes a queen, or another piece of choice) is covered by the opponent's rook, and it is the opponent to make the next move, then the rook can take the new queen.
Queen of Egypt; mistress of Julius Caesar and later of Mark Antony; killed herself with the bite of an Asp to avoid capture by Octavian
No , the Knight can , as any chess piece , only capture the square upon which it lands .
In chess, a king can capture any other piece except another king. Getting next to a the opposing king puts you in check because it allows your king to be taken first losing the game. Moving next to the opposing queen is the same situation unless the queen moves next to the king as some sort of sacrifice ploy.
In algebraic notation of chess, an "x" represents a capture. For example, "Qxe6" would mean that the player's queen captured an enemy piece on e6.
They didn't need much encouragement, than the chance to gain treasure, prestige and the goodwill of Queen Elizabeth I.
Capture is the present tense of capture.
Yes, a pawn may capture any piece on the board as long as it is a legal move. One way it could happen is the pawn is blocking lets say a Bishop or a Rook from attacking the opponent's king. The pawn moves to a square where it attacks the Queen. Normally the Queen would either just capture the pawn or move away from it. But if the move of the pawn now places the king in check from that Bishop or Rook (this is called a discovered check) the King must move out of check. If the player now in check has no alternative but to move the King out of check, then once he moves the king, the pawn is free to capture the Queen.
No. Captured chess pieces are pieces that have been taken from the board by other pieces, and as such are no longer part of the game. However if a pawn makes it to the 'far' rank (the row closest to your opponent) it may be 'promoted' to any piece besides a king (traditionally it is promoted to a queen)