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Pawn's can't capture forward, only diagonal. Yes, a pawn that reaches the eighth rank will be promoted if it reached it by capturing another piece.

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Q: Can a pawn become a queen on a diagonal capture or a forward capture or both?
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How many steps can a pawn take in chess?

The first move for the pawn can be either one or two spaces forward. Pawns attack diagonal only forward and when they get to the other side they can turn into a queen, rook, knight, or bishop.

What is the horizontal brace between two queen posts?

STRAINING BEAMThe correct answer is "Straining Beam". It is mistakenly answered as the "strut". Strut is the diagonal brace, that supports between or at the outer side of the "Queen Post". It is also diagonal and not horizontal support.Additional details will be shown in the related link.

How did isis become queen?

she was dead and when people are dead they become queen

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Once the Queen (Elizabeth II) dies, Prince Charles will become King, after he dies, Prince William will become King, and Kate, as his wife will become the Queen Consort (not the Queen Regent, like Elizabeth is)

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by being the queen!

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Can a queen move l-shaped?

The Queen can replicate any other chess piece's move other than that of the Knight which must be accomplished in two moves ~ see related link to additional information regarding the Queen's movements .

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They say that because when the Queen of England dies Kate will become the queen. =)

When did Queen Isabella become Queen?

Queen Isabella became queen in the year of 1474

How many years has queen been queen?

it has been 60 years since the queen has become queen.

How did Queen Cleopatra become a legend?

cause she is the Queen of Egypt

How did Queen Elizabeth ll become famous?

By being a queen.