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Q: Answers the question for majestic chess?
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How do you install Majestic Chess in vista?

... install majestic chess on a XP-system. Then copy the complete directory of the installed program on your vista-pc. it will be run by clicking the exe. greetings mike

Who won chess recently?

You're asking a question with a lot of answers. For example, me.

How come Majestic Chess won't install on Windows Vista?

Install Majestic chess on a Xp-System. Then copy the complete directory of the installed program in your vista system. click the exe and it shoud run. greetings mike

Majestic chess answer to level 7 sphinx of past dreams?

i dont kow who's turn is it... black or white

What are the best selling books about chess?

The best selling books about chess are definitely books that are designed to give the basics of chess. The book to start with might be; Chess for Dummies. I'm not calling you a chess dummy but it will give you the answers to the game you need.

How do you beat tower of many betrayals in majestic chess level 8?

You put Black King on h1 and white king on f3 and do not move any other pieces.

How do you beat majestic chess level 7 the sphinx riddle?

It is a riddle; the correct move is (the white rook) Rc6, blocking the white bishop's pin on the black rook.

How many sequers are there in chess board?

(I think the question is supposed to say"sequels in a chess board")A chess board is 8x8, or 64 squares/sequels.

Do french chess players have a cat?

weird question, but anyone can have a cat even french chess players

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if you want the chess it is 20

How do you defeat majestic chess level 5 thuvus?

LOL if u saved up ur money you can use your items that u bought{crown and king symbol} and you can beat him easily

Does Kobe Bryant play chess?

why does it matter this question is dumb