16 is the age limit for a amature
Boxing-Scoop.com has a amateur boxing records database.
World Amateur Boxing Championships was created in 1974.
African Amateur Boxing Championships was created in 1962.
European Amateur Boxing Championships was created in 1925.
Yes, it is. and it's a good age in any country .
European Union Amateur Boxing Championships was created in 2003.
in u.k the cut of age is usally 35 years old. but legally there is no age limit. and as for usa and north America. It all depends on which state you apply and depends on if you can pass the medical. but useally you shoul be able to get a pro boxing licence up into your late forties.
Yes you can,although losing favour now against black boxing boots you can wear any colour boots in amateur boxing.
amateur I presume? Get involved locally with amateur boxing. That's the best advise. This way you will key into a circut and join with a tradition. Then you will find what's 'hoping'. Contact Melanie Ley Internet for amateur boxing questions.