There is no age limit for getting a MacBook Pro.
in u.k the cut of age is usally 35 years old. but legally there is no age limit. and as for usa and north America. It all depends on which state you apply and depends on if you can pass the medical. but useally you shoul be able to get a pro boxing licence up into your late forties.
Unlikely. I know in Britain that you will not get a first-time pro license after the age of 35 (i.e. if you've never had a pro license before the age of 35, you will not get one beyond that age). Rules in different countries (it may vary state-to-state in the US) may be different, but it's highly unlikely.
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He started boxing at the age of 12 in 1954. As a Pro, he started in 1960 and finished in 1981.
There are no set chances but its up to you if you train to go pro or not.
In this day and age, probably the Olympic gold medal. A lot of pro fighters are drawn from Olympics these days, its not so much a club scene anymore. Ever since Muhamad Ali took the gold as Cassius Clay, there has been an unwritten rule in Boxing that the Olympics is where you have to prove your skills first before you turn pro. In olden times it was not necessary as boxing was everywhere in the U.S., these days, fighters have to fly around a lot to get in fights. If they want to "bulk up" their reccord against reputable guys that is.