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if you really want it, stretch... a LOT. 3 times a day. research how to stretch effectively. if you really want it, for the right reasons, go for it. good luck ;)

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Q: You are going to be in 6th grade in a bit more that 2 months and you really want to try out for cheerleading but you can barely do splits should you just give up on your dream or keep trying?
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Deffinenitly cheerleading is really fun the pyriaminds the flips and all sort so yeah try out

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How old you have to be to try out cheerleading?

If you're talking about trying out for a specific team, then you should ask the coach, but there's really no age too young or too old for cheerleading. I would say the best age range to start (seriously or competitively) is from about 7 - 16.

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Depends on which spotter you mean if its front spotter yes but if its a 2nd spotter they should try if they are coming towards them or really need help,x

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Really there is no answer that can be correct to this except that it really all depends on the girl.You should ask her or her friends to try to find out! Good Luck!

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You and your friends should use an actual cheerleading mix, but if you can't get ahold of one, you can always try fast songs