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Yes, they are both autococker threaded.

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Q: Will the j and j ceramic autococker barrel fit the dangerous power e1?
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What barrel should you get for your dangerous power g4?

A CP onepiece aluminum barrel 10-14 inches is a very good all around barrel. If yo have the money, go for a carbon fiber barrel. If you play on playing woodsball, you should look into an APEX tip.

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The answer is yes, it will produce more power than a stock 4 barrel.

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Dangerous Power was created on 2007-06-29.

Can an electric ceramic hob be plugged straight into a power point?

Of course it can. They come with a cord and a plug.

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Yes, its still the standard .45 grips.

How much does a barrel of oil power?

A single 42-gallon barrel of crude oil is refined into about 19.6 gallons of gasoline.

What power source is dangerous to play with?

Any power source is dangerous to play with, apart from minor things like small dry batteries.

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What is meant by power comes from the barrel of the gun?

Reference is to politics- that the person that controls military force (the barrel of the gun) controls all.