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Because there are rods...

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Q: Why table hockey is called rod hockey?
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Where do you get parts for a ESPN rod hockey table?

how do I get parts for my espnrodhockey model x6715/51-22-909

Why is air hockey called air hockey?

The table is set up like a hockey rink and air comes from the bottom to help the disk move faster.

What is better a football table a hockey table or a pool table?

A hockey table is my opinion.I'd have to say a pool table. Unlike hockey or football, you don't need 2 people to play pool.

Can you replace my halex NHL rod hockey players with Stiga NHL rod hockey players?

no It does not fit they Stiga players are much smaller.

Where was green days first show?

Rod's Hockey

Where was table hockey invented?

In Sweden

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What information needs to be kept for a field hockey league table?

a hockey stick

Will Stiga rod hockey players fit a Franklin Pro rod hockey game?

I have been wondering the same thing... I have the franklin ultimate rod hockey pro model and one players stick is bigger than the other players due to the slot offset on the playing surface.. i have found that the stiga rod hockey players all have the same size a little upset that i too cannot find options to pick new teams/players out

What are the features of an air hockey table?

A good air hockey table has a large smooth playing surface. It is surrounded by a rail that prevents the puck and mallet from leaving the table. Slots on both ends of the table serve as goals.

What is a score called in hockey?

its called a goal

Where can you buy an air hockey table in israel?

I doubt it