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Soccer is increasing in popularity in Australia thanks in part to immigrants from Europe who have brought their love of soccer with them. The most obvious example are immigrants from the UK; also Australia is home to many Greeks, Italians and people from the former Yugoslavia. The same thing is happening in the United States as the hispanic, soccer-loving population grows.

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βˆ™ 19y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

Soccer is popular across the globe for 2 reasons. 1st: Colonization: When the British colonized the globe, they brought along their sports (Rugby, cricket, soccer). 2: Availability: Soccer has for a long time been known as a poor man's sport. All one needs is a ball, two cans for goalposts and a whole village can play. The rules are simple and the ground can be hard, soft, grass or asphalt- you name it. you don't even need a ball, you'll see kids playing with cans, empty water bottles. and the weather doesn't affect the game much either. other team sports prove to difficult to play. Basketball requires a hard ground, dry weather and hoops that often need mending. rugby requires a softer ground for tackling. cricket, Baseball require too much equipment and organization.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

because it is awsome and is so much fun!!!

Black10 says: This is a silly question! But, I get the feeling you don't play the sport. If you played the sport I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love with it. "Give a man/women a ball and he'll/she'll play for a moment, Teach him/her how to play and he/she will play for a life time."


Soccer was created in the 19th centaury in an attempt to standardise early forms of football some of which lead many injuries even loss of life. The rules of Soccer are a safer form of football which have reduce injuries. The man who wrote the 'Laws of the game' for 'Soccer' or 'Association football' was a man called Ebenezer Cobb Morley. Ebenezer along with other co-authors agreed the rules at a public house called the Freemasons Tavern in London on 26th October 1863. Morley became the Football Associations first secretary. He also founded the Barnes Football Club in 1962 which he captained against Richmond football club in the first ever soccer match. The game ended 0-0 but in a return game he scored the first ever goal. He died in 1924 and is buried at a Cemetery on Barnes Common not far from where he drafted the Laws of the game at 26 The Terrace, Barnes, London. A blue plaque commemorating his life's work was placed on the wall of this address by English Heritage in 2009

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Perhaps the prime driver and formalizer of the original rules of Australian football was Tom Wills. He and his cousin, HCA Harrison, were prime early administrators.
Wills also excelled in other sports like cricket and rugby. He was a great rugby player, winning many accolades in that sport and coached international cricket sides and captained colonial Victoria as well. It is believed rugby was some fair influence in his invention of the Australian game, which was based more around kicking than rugby, because when he played rugby in England, he was noted for his long accurate kicking.
In Melbourne, Australia, he played cricket for the Melbourne Cricket Club, but eventually had some falling out with the club, which was not conducive to those of convict origins. Wills grandfather had been a convict.
Despite his rugby background, it is also believed he wanted rules that were more suited to Australia's harder, drier fields.
All things considered, he is known to have spoken the immortal words: "We shall have a game of our own".
Once more established, he was also supported in his goal by a cousin loyal to the same aspiration.
Eventually, Harrison took over the administration of the game, and was also a superb runner and sportsman in his own right.
Harrison also had influence in the social circles that Wills did not, and publicly became a highly recognized administrator in more fields than one.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Tennis is popular in Australia because it has always been the most popular sport in Australia since it was introduced in 1870's. It is a great spectator sport.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Some one named Pele brought it over from South America and it became a popular sport

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because with the economy like this all sports are hard to pay for. But soccer is very cheap. You don't hae to have alot of trainer to do it.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

it was INVENTED in England

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