You should jump straight up when blocking in volleyball, so you don't end up jumping into the net. However when hitting, sometimes it is good to allow room to jump forward a bit to propel the ball forward and down.
You could test your strength by hitting the ball against the wall. Another way is to see how long you can set or pass the ball continuosly. Then you could set goals for yourself. Hopefully this helps. :}
As a Zora, Dive down and swim straight for the planks. The impact should shatter them
If your a girl or boy who studys and listen in class then you should be ok.Like me i am a swimmer and a diver and a soccer player and a volleyball player and a girlscout and i get straight A and A+ and A++ sometimes three pluses. If your a girl or boy who studys and listen in class then you should be ok.Like me i am a swimmer and a diver and a soccer player and a volleyball player and a girlscout and i get straight A and A+ and A++ sometimes three pluses.
I bought my volleyball stuff at Sports Authority, but anywhere that has sports equipment should have volleyball stuff in volleyball season.
You should be a little clearer. Volleyball has lasted for a while though.
try testing serving ways....try at least 10 people and that should help!
you should bring a volleyball, some shorts, a shirt, and comfortable shoes
No there is no hitting in soccer, and I should know because I play it.
no but it should be!
if you are HITTING a deer in Indiana then you should probably stop.
Probably Not, because...