There is no answer to that as it will depend on lots of things, like how important a game is, how popular a team is and how big the stadium the match is being played in is. You could have just a few people at a match right up to tens of thousands at one. The biggest soccer stadium in the world, which is in India, can hold 120,000 people.
there to see a football (soccer) game.
is a boy boy that lives in the woods and thinks he is a soccer god also his favourite soccer club is very ass. at night you can see him stealing your curry but really hes stealing the hearts of his fans
Bring the world cup to the country. Get fans to come out and see what the sport is like at the top level.
chris masters is now back on WWE raw his first match back was a beat the clock sprint no his first match was with mvp when he came back
According to statistics, the best soccer club is: The Barcelona Football Club. There they have much apparel and the fans are well above 1,000,000. They have the strongest fan base as far as I can see and they are loved by many world wide.
A great deal go to see the match live, for example over 70,000 go to Old Trafford, and 80,000 go to barcelona.
There is nothing preventing it, but it would not be very successful. Soccer, unlike other sports, is a flowing and continuous game. Positioning has chess-match qualities that require a spectator to constantly be watching to see a play develop. Seeing a goal scored is just the culmination of a series of events. It is this sequence that the spectator yearns to see.
We look at a clock and we see the hands on the face of the clock.
There are tests to see if you're a GOOD soccer player, but it's your choice whether or not you're a soccer player.
go to the extreme rules match then when you see a fan with a weapon go up to them and press x for ps3 or A on the xbox 360
Newcastle. as the nearest neighbouring city team Newcastle and sunderland fans see each other as enemies and there are often fights amongst the more hardcore fans. if they're playing a match together, it's best to keep out of the way cos it's sure to be trouble