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There isn't a cork in a softball.

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Q: Why is there a cork in a softball?
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Related questions

What is in the middle of a softball?

The middle of a softball is cork.

What is the major materials of softball?

cork,thread, and leather (:

How is the core of a softball made?

the core of a softball is surrounded by compressed air and nobody really knows how its made. (its made in a factory)

What is inside a fastpitch softball bat?

On a softball the first thing they make to make a softball is that there is a rock ball in it and then there is alot of string raped around it and on the outside is white or yellow rubber and the string holds the rubber together and it forms a softball shape. What makes the softball stick on the string under is this sticky brown stuff. The rock ball under is like a really hard piece of dirt. If you take a softball apart and get to the rock ball and throw it on the ground, it will break in half or into pieces.

How many layers does a softball have?

Two. First you have the ball, then the string around that which is one, then you have the leather, that's two.

What holds a softball together?

A softball consists of a core, typically made of cork or rubber, which is surrounded by layers of yarn or synthetic materials. The entire ball is then covered with a leather or synthetic cover to protect it during play.

How much air pressure does a baseball have?

A baseball is not inflate-able like a basketball, football, soccerball, volleyball or tennisball. Those particular balls are hollow with air. A baseball and softball are filled with cork and string.

What is the origin of cork?

Cork comes from a cork tree :]

How do you make cork?

cork comes from a cork tree

Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

What does cork mean and what is cork?

cork is a type of color like brownish

What does cork mean in numbers?

'cork' is the bark of the cork oak tree.