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That player is called the "libero". They are a defensive player, and there are some limitations on what they are allowed to do:

-they are not allowed to serve

-they may no attack the ball (spiking the ball if it's above the plane of the net)

-they may not come within 3m of the net (there's a line there called the "attack line") and use their hands to set an attacker.

They are allowed to come in for any player though. Volleyball substitutes can normally go in/out for one player.

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11y ago

It is called the libero. Which means they can switch out whenever without having to sub out and not waste time. And also they are usually the best passers.

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He or she is the setter, they try to get the second hit to set the ball up for the spike

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Q: Why is one player on the volleyball team different from the other ones?
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