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There's penalty's in football so that it's fair. Also it's safe like roughing the passer you can paralyze the quarter back. Or a close-line that can kill him. So that is some ways that there penalties.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Often there are two choices available: ignore the foul and let the play stand, or take the penalty from where the play started and disregard the play. There are some penalties that do not need to be accepted; those that are measured after the play, from where the new down occurred. A team might accept the penalty if they had lost yards on that play or if the penalty would give them an automatic first down where they had not achieved it. They might decline if the position from the penalty is worse than where the down occurred or if they scored from that play. Often the referee will assume the team will choose the more advantageous field position and act accordingly, but they usually confirm with the captain before announciing it.

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12y ago

In highschool and college, football is a team sport played by student athletes. It is the belief of the organizations that rule the games that 'excessive celebration' of a team is bad sportsmanship, and celebration of one player is singling out that one player instead of the whole team effort. Because they have seen it too much, they determined it should be ruled unsportsmanlike like other unsportsmanlike penalties.

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14y ago

Penalties are imposed to ensure safety of players and to ensure unfair advantage is not gained through the actions of players.

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IN professional football roughing the passer is a penalty?

Yes, roughing the passer is a penalty. It calls for a 15 yard penalty on the offending team.

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