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Mesomorphs. the centre players are most likely to be mesomorphs.

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Q: Why is Somatotype so important for rugby players?
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Are rugby league and rugby union played with the same number of players?

No because rugby has it's fun way and legaue have ther fun way maybe some one lke rugby but not legaue so it should keep this way

Who earns more money rugby league or rugby union players?

Rugby Union players. They are better publicised on the world stage. They gain more money from sponsorship deals. Rugby Union is a more popular sport so people are more willing to pay to see them.

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Why is a good body composition important for rugby players?

so that they can play a game non stop for a long period of time with out tiring

How many rugby league players are there?

A rugby league team should have 13 players on the field unless a player has been sinbinned or sent off. there are 4 subs so all together there are 17

Does Ireland have any famous Rugby players?

Ireland is one of the world's top international rugby teams, so they have and have had many famous players. Players like the current captain, in March 2015, Paul O'Connell and the recently retired Brian O'Driscoll, and many, many others.

What is the pay of rugby in the US vs rugby in other countries?

The pay depends on the level of Rugby. In the USA the game is amatuer I think so the domestic players are not paid. In the Pro Leagues in Europe for example they are paid less than soccer players with good players getting between 50000 and 100000 pounds a year to play. Extra money comes from sponsorship and a salary cap paid to international players along with any bonuses from club or country.

What is the purpose of the National rugby league?

The Scottish Rugby Union represents the players rights and makes sure that the Rugby Players are always treated fairly and equally. The Union gives the player a piece of mind so they can play and not to have to worry about as much about these issues.

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How many players take part in full scrum?

In Rugby the scrum is made up of eight forwrds from each team so a total of 16 players are involved in a full scrum.

Why do rugby players need fiber?

Rugby players have a tough training. rugby players need to be 'big and strong' and so a high protein diet is necessary for 'growth and repair.' If you train, you should eat protein afterwards so your muscles can repair, and in laymans terms, it gets your muscles bigger.

What is the difference between rugby and football?

Rugby is a football code, so there is no difference. However, it is different from other football codes:Association football: the hands cannot be used, and goals are used instead of scoring zones.American football: the ball can be passed forward, and rules regarding the post-tackle situation are different.Gaelic football: several alterations in the goal, and methods of scoring and playing.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Rugby game each team has 15 players, but American football has 11 players. additional point, in American football players always use pads protect themselves but Rugby players don't use this!