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If the ball turns end over end in the air there's more drag when the full side of the ball faces the air than the pointy end so this is slower. When the ball always points into the air it's narrower and has less air to push through to slow it down.

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Q: Why does the rugby ball go further when it is spinning?
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What is the name of the rugby ball?

You use a rugby ball to play rugby. It is shaped like an egg.

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a ball can go further than grass and dirt

Does heat effect the distance a golf ball travels?

Yes it does. If it is warmer the ball will go further, also if you are higher up the ball will go further as the air is thinner. When its cold it is better to heat up your golf ball before you play as it will go further.

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Can you give me a sentence for the word further?

Go further! The ball is really light.

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The ball appears to curve in its path because of the Coriolis effect caused by the spinning motion of the merry-go-round. From an observer's perspective on the ground, the ball seems to follow a curved path due to the rotation of the merry-go-round underneath it.

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The only place to get that signed is to contact the Marketing manager at the club and/or go there on match days and ask for autographs

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Soccer science fair project?

ummm you can predict which ball goes further whether the ball if it is wet or not.also if it will go further under higher pressure or lower pressure. hope I helped

What is in a rugby glossary?

Rugby terms such as 'Dead ball line' and 'Try' are in a rugby glossary and it gives you the meaning as well as the term. -- To see a full list of terms used in the game visit the IRB website go to their rules and regulation page

Why do you spin a football?

Spinning a football creates gyroscopic stability, which helps the ball maintain a straight and stable path during flight. This makes it easier for quarterbacks to throw accurately and for receivers to catch the ball.