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When the ball is in the hand of the pitcher inside the circle , baserunners may not advance.

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14y ago

Well in Baseball men are able to "lead off" but once the pitcher has the ball in the circle the runner can't take their place off their base or they will be out.

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Q: Why does pitcher walk to circle after each pitch in womens fastpitch?
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How many innings can a pitcher pitch in a 12u fastpitch?

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How long does a batter have to be in the box and ready for next pitch in fastpitch softball?

10 seconds from the time the pitcher has the ball in the circle. This rule is seldom ever enforced. The only way you will ever get this call is for the pitcher to get on the rubber and ready to pitch which will show a delay by the batter.

What is the height of the pitching mound in womens fast pitch softball?

The height of an outfield fence in fastpitch softball is generally between 4 and 8 feet.

How far is pitcher mound from plate in womens softball?

43 feet in fast pitch

What are the essential features of a fastpitch bat?

A fastpitch bat is typically used in a game of fast pitch softball. The bats usually come in composite and aluminum styles. Louisville Slugger makes some fastpitch bats.

Which is a more effective pitch a three finger changeup or a circle changeup?

They can both be effective pitches. Whether a pitcher can control a pitch is the key to how effective that pitch is.

What is the fastest fastpitch pitch ever thrown by a girl?

the fastest pitch ever recorded was 93.2 in the 1996 olimpics!!!

What is the difference between slow pitch softball and regular softball?

Slowpitch Softball is played using a high-arc pitching technique where the ball slowly falls into the strike-zone. Slowpitch speeds range from 25mph-35mph. Fastpitch Softball a windmill pitching technique is used that increases that speed of the pitch significantly and allows the pitcher to throw different kinds of pitches like drop, rise, curve, screw, and change. Fastpitch speed range from usually 50mph-65mph. The rules are basically the same, minus some variations in batting. In slow pitch if you foul off the third strike you are out. In fastpitch the strike is not called until you swing with no contact with the ball. Both require different equipment. EX:A fastpitch bat is different from a slowpitch bat. Slow Pitch...the coach pitches it and fast of the teammates pitches it! :)

If a batter steps out of the box without time from the umpire in Florida high school fastpitch softball is it an automatic strike?

No, but the pitcher still can pitch the ball and it is either a called ball or a called strike depending on where it is located on the plate

How many teams are in fastpitch softball?

10 teams are in fast pitch softball.

How long does it normally take to learn how to pitch fast pitch softball?

To be a decent softball pitcher it could take 3-4 years to pitch a softball. Fastpitch that is. The ball is bigger and weighs more than a baseball. The wind up is tricky. Most pitchers that I know have to practice their pitching around 3 to 4 days a week.

How many games should a 12u girl pitch in fastpitch softball?

it depends how many games are at the tournament.