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You can have muscular power when your jumping vertically up to try and defend and get the ball.

PS: I LOVE Justin Bieber <3

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Q: Why does netball need muscular power?
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Why do you need muscular strength in netball?

you need to be able to make gross movements in netball. such as passing the ball using a shoulder pass.

Why do you need power in netball?

Netball players need power for when they're pasing the ball. If you don't have power and you throw the ball to someone it might not reach that person.

What does a footballer need with power?

muscular endurance

Why is power needed in netbal?

Full body power is required in netball:

Why do you need Cardiovascular fitness in netball?

Muscular Endurance is how long the muscles can perform repeated contractions at, or near a maximum level for an extended period of time with becoming tired or fatigued. In Netball you would need to have good muscular endurance in your leg muscles so that you would not become tired after running up and down the court for the duration of the Netball game (one hour).

Why do you need muscular endurance in netball?

Muscular Endurance is how long the muscles can perform repeated contractions at, or near a maximum level for an extended period of time with becoming tired or fatigued. In Netball you would need to have good muscular endurance in your leg muscles so that you would not become tired after running up and down the court for the duration of the Netball game (one hour).

What equpment do you need for netball?

two netball posts netball pitch one netball two umpires

What activities use lots muscular endurance?

basket ball netball fooball and hourse riding and rugby tennis

Is there an age limit netball for?

yes when you are 50 you will need to quit netball or you can be a coach

Why do you need motivation in netball?

because you need it

What clothing and equipment do you need for netball?

preferably matching netball skirts tops &amp; bibs. also a ball :)

Why do you need catching as a skill in netball?

You definitely need catching skills to play netball because half the game involves catching.