Everyone doesn't hate them. Some people do, probably because they are loyal to a different team or because they have an uncharacteristic hatred for all players of sports, but there are definitely some people who love the team and the individual players.
why are united fans all tw*ts i hear you asking? it is all based on their manager, he is a arrogant tw*t who think he is something special, a complete bias and contradicting idiot who constantly moans that hes team has all the bad decision's made against him though that's not true as united have a hold on every single official in the game, for example if united are losing sir tw*t Ferguson goes on one of hes tantrums and every time without fail will get at least 5mins added on to the game ( hence why they are the highest injury time goal scorers) but on the flip side, if they are winning again sir tw*t Ferguson with go on another tantrum at the official and the game will be called off dead on the 1min added time, but still will he be happy, no chance, he will then run to the nearest press team or paper and slate of any team possible about how they get all the decisions and they are lucky to have one. This is why all united fans are tw*ts and it has rubbed of on to them thinking they are something special when all they are, are a bunch of tw*ts just like their manager and to be entirely honest the world are sick of them and they should grow up, cant wait to see that manager retire so we can actually enjoy the game with out seeing hes red face screaming every second.
Manchester United has more fans
Unfortunately, information is not collected on the sexual orientation of fans of football teams.
30,000 Tottenham fans, 20,000 Glory hunters... I mean United fans.
You shouldn't punish sports teams for their fans behavior because the fans are responsible for it, not the teams themselves. The teams can't help how a person feels about them, they just have to play to keep the fans. If the teams are punished for a fans behavior, then there would be even more trouble than there already was.
Celtic fans are called the Tims by some rival supporters as a derogatory term, based on the historical association of the club with the Catholic community in Glasgow. The term is considered offensive by many Celtic supporters.
no the fans are segregated
Manchester United FC Barcelona Real Madrid Chelsea FC FC Bayern München
THE BOSTON RED SOX !!!!!!!! No Manchester United 330 million followers (casual fans) while there are 110 million fans... still more people than all nfl teams combined but 220 million casual fans is more than the Yankees nhl and nfl combined in total number of fans
yes i know Taylor swift and i was talking to her the other day and we were talking about her fans and she said that she loved her fans and that they are really good supporters and stuff like that :)
No the Creator of fan fiction does not have to buy stories from every author in order to share with his fans. In most cases all the creator has to have is a United States copyright.
The military. All Nascar fans are big supporters of the Military,and we love the Flyovers
When the other teams fans come cause the city is close to the home teams city