because of convection currents and the warm air rises and the cold air sinks down causing the Basketball to not bounce as high
Because when gas gas is colder, in the same volume, the pressure is lower. Because of the lower pressure, the ball does not bounce as well.
There is an equation: PV = nrT. P is pressure, V is volume, n is the amount of gas (it's actually the number of molecules of gas), r is a constant and T is temperature. So if V, n and r remains constant, if the temperature goes up, the pressure will go up, and the converse is also true.
Warm weather as in warmer weather the air molecules in the Basketball are more active and give better pressure.
== == This is because of air's tendency to become more dense when it is cold. This happens because air molecules,when cold, move slowly and close together while air molecules,when warm, move fast and farther apart.
The basketball at room temperature has more energy, because cold is just the absence of energy. The ball that is frozen would not bounce as high because it is wanting to stay in that shape, and has less time to react.
A tennis ball bounces higher in hot weather than in cold weather because the density of air is less in this weather, due to which the frictional force is reduced
i know that a basketball will because if it has nothing in it, it won't bounce. right? but when you put more helium in, it will bounce high. but if you put to much in it, it might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
high , i think no gareentees :)
Yes. A full basketball with medium to high pressure will clearly bounce higher than a flat basketball with low pressure.
A basketball will bounce more on concrete because it is a flatter surface then carpet and grass
yes because if it has too much air it will either bounce high or explode and if it has not enough air it wont bounce very well
Yes. If the surface is soft the basketball will not bounce as high, but if the surface is like a gym floor the basketball will bounce extrememly well. Also you have into consideration the force of friction. The more friction the surface can produce the slower the ball will go.
if its cold its not going to bonce high if its warm its okay
A basketball bounces higher depending on how much energy is transferred to it when it impacts the ground. Factors like the force of impact, the material and pressure of the basketball, and the angle at which it hits the ground can all affect how high it bounces.
How is this chemistry.... but do it however you would like to.