because that is the name his parents gave him, or it could be a spelling from a different language
Dwayne Wade
Dwyane Wade's real name is Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr.
1st Son: Zaire Blessing Dwyane Wade 2nd Son: Zion Malachi Airamis Wade
his hobby is that he spells his name right lolololol dwyane wade stupid
Dwayne Wades full name is Dwayne Tyrone Wade Jr.
Dwyane Wade and his wife, Siovaughn have two sons, Zaire Blessing Dwyane Wade who is currently 7 years old and Zion Malachi Airamis Wade, who is 2 years old. Dwyane wade is also a great father and a good public figure to look up to.
dwyane wade sr.(father) jolinda wade(mother)
Tragil is his older sister.
Dwyane Wades middle name is TyroneDwyane Tyrone Wade
dwayne wade. his father is Dwyane wade Sr.
no he doesn't..he wore a bandage on his face with his name on it once, but was only to hide his 6 stiches
The player wearing #3 in 2013 is Dwyane Wade. Despite the spelling, it is pronounced the same as Dwayne or Duane.