1st Son: Zaire Blessing Dwyane Wade
2nd Son: Zion Malachi Airamis Wade
Dwayne Wade's mothers name is Jolinda Wade.
Dwayne Wade
Dwayne Wades full name is Dwayne Tyrone Wade Jr.
Dwayne Wade has four children: Zaire, Zion, and Xavier from previous relationships, and Kaavia James with his wife, Gabrielle Union.
Dwayne wade
Dwayne wade
Dwayne wade
Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat has three sons. Their names are Zaire Blessing, Zion Malachi, and Xavier Zechariah Wade.
wade's kidsHe has a 5-year old son, Zaire, and a child due in June
easily Dwayne wade
dwayne wade. his father is Dwyane wade Sr.