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The muscles in our legs receive electrical messages from the brain. These messages tell the muscles in the leg to retract quickly. This causes a force of upwards momentum, which is more powerful than our body's weight. So, we "jump."

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

People usually jump rope for fun and exercise.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

because your happy

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Q: Why do you jump higher some days?
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How can you make yourself jump higher?

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Everybody can jump higher then a mountain because mountains cant jump

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All animals can jump higher than a house because houses cannot jump.

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swing your arms and jump

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Jump higher :D

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to get you jump higher and get exercise.

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Yes because buildings can’t jump. So therefore the kangaroo can jump higher because it can jump.

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You can jump higher on moon,because there's less gravity.