To commemorate their victory. Each player cuts a single strand and the head coach cuts the last strand and keeps the net.
Exercise come from basketball. It can help you cut down on fat.
Basketball shoes are usually high-cut to prevent a twisted ankle. They are also made to reduce sliding on the court.
Serfs can cut down trees.
You just move your hand across the dotted mark with your cursor down.
He got cut from a team
Yes. He was cut from the varsity basketball team at Emsley A. Laney High School as a sophomore.
cut down on researchers and workers
You can't play and try and get your grades up to play next quarter, basketball season lies between two grading periods so there is always a chance to get your grades up.
Michael Jordan.
The difference is what's under it. Basketball floors are "sprung" wood floors - they'll move up and down with the athletes to cut down on leg injuries. Home wood floors are solidly connected to the underlayment.