The home plate umpire is the one to make the call and is in the best position to make the call, he can ask for help if he fells necissary, however, this is his call to make
you call it 4 occasionally, such as "play is at 4".
Yes, no other umpire can overrule a ball-strike call.
YES but he should do so after a conference with the home plate umpire. The idea is to get the call right and if the base umpire saw something the home plate umpire did not see he should confer with the the plate ump to get it right.
yes. No one including the basepath coaches are allowed to touch a base runner prior to touching home plate
Because it's a rubber plate and not cushioned like the rest of the bases.
Normaly either the first base umpire or the second base umpire... i have seen the home plate umpire call it!
It's up to the umpire's discretion. They can call the pitch a strike even if it hits someone leaning over the plate.
Yes if a runner doesn't touch home plate and enters the dugout an Umpire can call him out the second he leaves the dirt surrounding the area of the home plate and the two batter's boxes however Major League Umpires may not opt to declare a runner out even if he missed home plate unless the opposing team appeals the call or tags the runner.
he has hit a home run from the plate and also thrown people out at home plate.
Anytime a runner misses a base and an appeal is made he would be called out if the umpire saw it. Suppose only 1 runner crossed the plate, if the ball was thrown home and the catcher stepped on the plate the umpire would call him out (even if the runner is halfway back to the dugout), if multiple runners cross the plate, then and a ball is thrown home in play, the umpire will only make the "safe/out" call of the last runner to cross, or the play at the plate. In this case you would need to go through an official appeal process (ball to the pitcher on the mound, steps off the mound, throws home, catcher steps on the plate) --- The umpire will know what you are doing and if he saw it the same way, will call the runner that "missed home" out ---- If this would have been the 3rd out, his run and any runners that crossed home after him will not count