The term refers to grocery store workers, who in the old days would knock a can of corn from a high shelf with a stick or pole and then catch it in their aprons. It's meant to explain that the ball is easy to catch.
A "Fly out" or "Pop Out" -- generally if it is caught in the outfield it is called a "Fly Out", a ball in the infield is called a "Pop Out"
There is no acronym for POP in baseball. It can follow pop-up, pop out and pop fly. Pop meaning it was hit off the bat.
yellow pop corn
On pop corn plants.
A pop fly put to the third baseman.
Yes and no. Most corn will pop, but there is a seed for pop corn and is grown for selling as pop corn. Sweet corn would not pop the same way or as well and corn grown to feed cattle wouldn't pop well.
Where is pop corn
American Pop Corn Company was created in 1914.
A pop fly is when the ball is hit and it goes in the air. If a pop fly is caught before it hits the ground, the batter is out. Grounders are balls that are hit on the ground that roll.
60 feet
Some collective nouns for corn are a stalk of corn or a bushel of corn.
Just a hit by a bat.