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There is a VERY strict code for protective equipment issued by the IRB. - It was believed that use of crash helmets and heavy shoulder padding actually increased the injury count. Added to this is the fact that the game of Rugby has always been associated with "the working classes"especially those from UK mining and steel towns. The cost of purchasing such equipment would impact on the amateur aspect of the game and would also require significant health and safety monitoring

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Q: Why do rugby players not use helmets or pads like football players do?
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they are people that perform sports like football players, rugby players, tennis players etc.

Who invented the rugby helmet?

there are no helmets in rugby only in american football. that is why rugby is so brutal and why players wear tape around their ears to stop them getting ripped off. there is only one "helmet" which is a scrum cap which is used like the tape to stop their ears being ripped off

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Football is soccer. Unless you are talking about American football which is more like rugby but the players wear crash helmets and kevlar because they don't want to get hurt. Also they have 100 players per team - e.g. players who come on to take a place kick and then go off again. Very strange. And there is like both 11 men on the feild.

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There is just about always a need for pro football players. just like there's a need for professional players of any sport. Football players in EPL in England have been pro for decades, while Rugby is only last 10 years.

What king of ball do they use in the game of rugby?

A Steeden football is used in Rugby League; a Gilbert football is used in Rugby Union and a Sherrin football is used in Australian Rules Football (AFL).The Steeden football and Gilbert football are almost identical, such that goalkickers from the two rugby codes have had kick offs from different positions on the field, with League winning each time.AFL is the oldest codified and registered game in the world. The Sherrin football is marginally different because AFL is a kicking game with players required to bounce the oval football when running like in basketball, and they "fly" for a mark like in Union but they are usually on their own.

Why are so many football helmets coming off in 2009?

Black people tend to use more wax based products in their hair or on their shaved heads and more white players are acting like black players.

What do football players wear under there helmets?

some where "skull caps" which is like a compression type of material but in high school its a rule that you can't wear anything under your helmet

What is rugby similar to?

Rugby actually preceded games which use some of the principles such as American football Gaelic football. There are two related types of Rugby. Rugby League and Rugby Union.

Do rugby players wear any protective gear?

Most rugby players wear shoulder pads, which protects them when they tackle and for when they are in a scrum or ruck. The players who go in the scrums and rucks wear scrum hats, this prevents them from head injuries, but also prevents cauliflower ears. And nearly all the players wear gum shields to protect their teeth.

How much were the first professional football players paid?

I don't think they earned anything. If it is like rugby league in Australia, they probably had day jobs to earn money and played football as a passion.

Do chicks like guys that play tackle rugby?

of course they do! rugby players are dead hot (:

How much do professional women rugby players make?

At the moment, none. Rugby League Women players just begun playing rugby. Not like men, who have been playing at the start