Kevin Garnett wore the number 21 when he was with the Timberwolves because it was the number worn by Malik Sealy when he played at St. Johns University.
Kevin Garnett wears the number 5 for the Boston Celtics. Before that he wore number 21 for the Minnesota Timberwolves.
When he was a timberwolf he was #21. Now he is #5 with the celtics.
Kevin Garnett wore number 5 during his basketball career.
Kevin Garnett has played for 14 years. He is still playing.
Kevin Maas, who played for the New York Yankees from 1990 to 1995, wore three different numbers for the team -- 24, 21 and 14.
Richard B. Garnett was born on 1817-11-21.
It could possibly be related to Adidas, who featured KG in their campaign 'It takes 5'. While I do not know why he is wearing #5; the Celtics retired #21 in 1966 for guard Bill Sharman, so Garnett could not use it in Boston.
Garnett Marks was born on March 21, 1899, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Kevin Garrnet used to Thadeus Young Dominique Wilkins Tim Duncan
Carlos Delgado Kevin Elster