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Q: Why did James naismith control his students?
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How did Basketball began?

James Naismith was a phys-ed teacher and he created this game for his students.

Was James Naismith black?

No, James Naismith was white.

Who was the first person to play baksetball?

Well, the game was invented by James Naismith who was a YMCA instructor. His students were bored because it was snowing outside and they did not have anything to do! That is when James came up with the idea of throwing a ball through a peach basket. So, to answer your question, the first people to play basketball were James Naismith's students'

Was James Naismith rich?

It is not known if James Naismith was rich or not. James Naismith is the creator of the sport, basketball. Basketball was invented in 1891.

Why is James Naismith famous?

James Naismith is famous because he invented basketball.

Was an African American first to invent the game of basket ball?

probably Dr. James Naismith (he invented basketbal) and his students .

What are James Naismith's accomplishments?

James Naismith invented basket ball.

what color did James Naismith have?

I think James Naismith had blond hair

Who was James Naismith's father?

john naismith

What is James Naismith's birthday?

James Naismith was born on November 6, 1861.

Which game was invented by James A Naismith?

James A. Naismith invented basketball in 1891.

What did James Naismith accomplish inventing basketball?

how james naismith overcome to success