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Because it was played, and became popular, in several British colonies.

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Q: Why cricket called a colonial game?
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Is there a cricket game for the Wii?

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Why cricket is called industrial game?

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What is the sport called cricket?

It is a team game. It is very popular in srilanka.

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I think that game is called Cricket.

What is the Hindi word for 'Cricket'?

The word Cricket is a noun and name of a sporting game. So, in Hindi too, it is called and pronounced as cricket as in English.

Why India is more crazy about cricket?

India's enthusiasm for cricket is a legacy of the British colonial period.

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Insect which shares its name with a game?

Hey the insect is 'Cricket'. Have a nice day.

How do you get a foul in a cricket game?

There is not anythng such as foul in the game of cricket.

Why Sachin is called the God of Cricket?

Simply b'coz Sachin,by name defines Cricket..This game was born for him & every1 irrespective of geographical boundaries who know cricket knows Sachin ..

When will there be a cricket game on ps3?

There is already a cricket game for ps 3 which name is cricket 2010.

Where is cricket clothing made?

Cricket is my favorite game. Cricket game is born in England.