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Inertia is an object's tendency to remain unchanged. Mass is one of the factors that determines an object's inertia. Obviously, a Bowling ball is much heavier than a Basketball, therefore harder to move by an external force.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Mainly its because bowling balls are LOT heavier than basketballs.

An official NBA basketball weighs 22 ounces; high school balls are lighter - 20 ounces.

The weight range for bowling balls begins at 6 lbs (96 ounces) for kids and ranges up to 16 lbs (256 ounces) as the maximum allowed weight. From 12 lbs (192 ounces) to 14 lbs (224 ounces) is the most popular choice of women and seniors while 15 lbs (240 ounces) is the most popular choice among men bowlers.

Obviously bowling balls are 96-256 ounces is MUCH heavier than 20-22 ounces. There is also the finish to consider. Basketballs have a textured surface to significantly improve grip. Bowling balls rely on holes drilled for the fingers to make it convenient to pick them up - which is a good thing since even kid's bowling balls are about 4-5 times as heavy as basketballs. I've seen plenty of people "palm" basketballs, but I've never seen anyone manage to "palm" a bowling ball - it's too slick and heavy. Possibly someone with very large hands and an extraordinarily strong grip might manage it with a small, light bowling ball.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A bowling ball's density is greater than a basketball

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Greater density. Made of a heavier material, and not hollow.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The basketball is hollow.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

I think that the kinetic enrgy, a bowling

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No, the inertia of a bowling ball is greater than that of a golf ball. Inertia is directly related to an object's mass, so the heavier the object, the greater its inertia. The mass of a bowling ball is much larger than that of a golf ball, resulting in greater inertia.

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The inertia of a bowling ball is what the inertia of a basketball?

No, the inertia of a bowling ball is greater than the inertia of a basketball due to the bowling ball's larger mass. Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its state of motion, and a heavier object like the bowling ball requires more force to accelerate or decelerate compared to the basketball.

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