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It depends on how fast they're going. A Bowling ball is much heavier, therefore has more momentum if they're both travelling at the same speed.

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Q: Why is it easier to stop a soccer ball than a bowling ball?
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Does rolling soccer ball needs more force to stop than a rolling bowling ball?

Any amount of force can stop either kind of ball. But a greater force is required to stop a bowling ball than to stop a soccer ball IN THE SAME TIME, because the bowling ball has more mass, and therefore more momentum and more kinetic energy.

What makes a bowling ball harder to stop than a soccer ball when they are both traveling at the same speed?

The bowling ball is harder to stop because it has a greater mass, and therefore a greater momentum. But the answer is that the bowling ball has a greater mass.

What causes a bowling ball to stop on earth?

Inertia and gravity cause a bowling ball to stop on earth.

If a bowling ball and a baseball are rolling at the same speed which one will stop first?

Aaah, I think you might be up to something with this one. The easy answer of course would seem to be that the lighter 5 kg bowling ball will be easier to stop moving compared to the heavier 10kg bowling ball. However, let's say that both balls are moving at a speed of 30 mph. If the heavier 10kg bowling ball is rolling alone on pavement, while the lighter 5 kg bowling ball is also moving on pavement, at the same speed, but in the front seat of a delivery truck! Well then, my money would say that the heavier ball would actually be the easier one to stop moving.

Which has more volume a bowling ball or beach ball?

Most likely the bowling ball. According to the laws of physics, an object with more inertia accelerates slower but is harder to stop. The bowling ball accelerates ...

What force makes a soccer ball stop?

The force of friction stops the soccer ball

What does a stopper do in soccer?

stop the ball

Would a large or small object be easier to stop?

The physical size doesn't matter. The ability to stop (or start) an object depends on its mass. For example, a bowling ball has more mass than a large balloon or sofa cushion. Smaller masses are easier to stop (or start).

Why is it easier to move a ping pong ball than a bowling ball?

Tennis balls are lighter than cricket balls. Therefore less mass. If a tennis ball travels at the same speed its momentum (mass x velocity) is lower. Therefore less momentum an easier to stop. Short answer, less mass and same speed means less momentum

What term is used for stopping a soccer ball?

TRAP. You trap the ball to stop it

What is the best way to stop a soccer ball?

Pop it

A soccer player kicks a ball into what?

A soccer player kicks a ball into the opposing team's goal. A goalkeeper will try to stop this from happening