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Its because of the Yankees history. Probably starting with the Yankees acquiring Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth started hitting home runs and bringing fans to Yankee Stadium. On top of that the Yankees have had other hall of fame hitters like Yogi Berra, Micky Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, and now Derek Jeter, and Alex Rodriguez. Yankees also have the most attendance almost ever year. And even on top of that the Yankees have WON 26 World Series. And the post season games bring in a lot of cash, and they make the playoffs every year. 2008 is their last year and every seat in the entire stadium is sold out. Trust me- I luckily found some tickets twice as much on eBay. Plus they are baseballs best team :) You can find a Yankee fan anywhere...

And that's why the Yankees have a lot of money. Go Yankees!!

While the above statement is true, they have a winning tradition and they have been blessed with some of the best players the game has ever seen (even before they started spending a ton of money on free agency in the 70's), the Yankees make a ton of money because:

1. New York is the biggest sports market in the US, and maybe the world. Because of the population and population density, all major sports do well in NYC.

2. The Yankees are shrewd business people. They go out of their way to sign Japanes players, because those games are broadcast nationally in Japan...rising the price of sponsorship dollars (because it becomes a bigger market). A player like Matsui, who makes about $12M a year, porbably generates $30M, if you consider the expanded market he brings along with him.

3. They are one of the first, if not the first sports franchise to have their own TV network. The ownership is between the Yankees and Goldman Saks, which is a money printing machine. Because of their already popular franchise, cable companies are force to add the YES Network on their packages because many people, including myself will pay the extra few dollars a year to see their games. And of course they get to sell a lot more ads, once only reserved for the Stadium.

4. They own their own concession stands at Yankees Stadium. In fact the owners own a company that provide consessions at other arenas (unknown).

Additionally, it's about making money and also spending money. While there are many teams that make a lot of money (the Marlins for example make money, mostly from revenue sharing-a lot of that comes from the Yankees and other teams that do well financially) the Yankees ownership has committed to spending a lot of that money.

Their figures aren't make public, but the seats, parking and food (excluding ad sales at the Stadium and on TV, the YES Network and other projects abroad) cost a lot of money. I get average seats, a couple of beers and a hotdog, and park my car in their parking lot. On average I spend about $100 per game. Let's just say the new stadium has 50,000 seats and there are 81 games played their. If you assume I spend like the average fan. You get this figure for a full season: $405,000,000. PER YEAR JUST FROM THE STADIUM. Of course that's just a random number but it's arbitrary number, because there are cheap seats and there are luxuary suites and it doesn't take into consideration city taxes and other fees, deferment from past players etc. But it's easy to guesstimate that they rake in close to 750,000,000 annually.

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13y ago
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13y ago

I'm sure whoever wrote this question wanted to hear it from a Yankees fan. What an answer. The Yankee's spend a quarter billion dollars a year on their roster because of concessions, ticket sales, playoff cash, and because they always do, dating back to Babe Ruth? Whats next, you gonna tell us your 26 ws titles aren't because of your disgusting payroll, did you know the yankees made more money than the pirates, padres, athletics, and rangers combined? Mind you the Pad's made the playoffs. So maybe Padre's had more to spend in 11' because of ticket sales and playoff cash? Nope still dwindling at the bottom of the mlb food chain. The Tigers are owned by little ceasar's Pizza, and guess what they sell at comerica? Little Ceasar's Pizza. Not to mention the tigers won the award for selling the most apparal this year (which i know is of shared profit with the league). on top of that, they sell out. Also beat the over paid yankees led by A-Rod (who is making 30 mil at 35 and still has about half a contract left) in the ALDS. So what is the tigers projected payroll, 98 mil, among the top 15 easily, but not even half the Yankee's payroll. Baseball needs a salary cap so New York can stop buying championships. And then the person who has the "best" answer mentions Goldman Sach's, a p.o.s. investing firm that has sucked American's clean and lobbied the U.S. government into deregulating the banks so they can simply control our lives. You want to talk about the 1 percent? I hate the Yankee's. With all my heart. You New Yorkers can say what you want, but the financial institutions own the yankees. Warren Buffet is the CEO of Goldman Sachs. And when you get down to it I'm almost positive that some of the money A-Rods getting for his ridiculous over paid contract, has came out of, that's right, American taxpayers pockets, a strong allegation i know, but didn't we just bail out wall street.

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13y ago

I have been asking myself that question my whole life. It's because anyone who likes another team is jealous because the Yankees are the best and always win!!

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13y ago

Because they are really rich and they buy the most players, so that's why people don't like the New York Yankees.

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15y ago

because they're so good!

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