Bobby Robins is number 64 on the Boston Bruins.
Bobby Orr and the number has been retired.
Bobby Schmautz
Bobby Robins plays for the Boston Bruins.
Bobby Robins plays center for the Boston Bruins.
Phil Russell
Nobody since Bobby Orr.
1966/67 with the Boston Bruins.
He did wear #27 for 3 or 4 exhibition games and was pictured once with that number. No always number 4. He might have worn 30 before the Bruins and then when he got called up to play for them the number might have been taken already. I have him in a picture and a Boston sweater #30 so what was that about?
Bobby Orr wore the #4 Jersey which was retired by the Boston Bruins.
Bobby Orr was 18 when he started playing professional hockey. The first team he played for ( and who he spent most of his 10 seasons with ) was the Boston Bruins.