The phone number of the Orrs Island Library is: 207-833-7811.
Darren and Brent
Bobby Orr has 2 sons- Darren and Brent
1966/67 with the Boston Bruins.
yes his name is Robert Gordon he did Bobby Orr for privacy reasons
There is currently no official fan phone number for Bobby Valentino available.
The address of the Orrs Island Library is: 1699 Harpswell Island Road, Orrs Island, 04066 0175
I believe Bobby Orr is the only Orr to ever have played pro hockey, at least in the US.
The phone number of the Bobby Davis Museum And Park is: 606-439-4325.
I don't know for certain, but there could be a variety of reasons, such as a lack of interest, not wanting the pressure of being "Bobby Orr's Kid", lack of talent for the game, etc.
Bobby's World - 1990 Bobby Phone Home 3-9 was released on: USA: 7 November 1992
because they're moastly old fashioned.